A research on two Chilean "patterns" dated 1836.

As promised, here is finally my first article on Chilean numismatics, probably my area of greatest expertise, but one on which I had not published anything for some time. This article deals with two pieces from the Chilean series, both dated 1836, and pictured below:

1836 copper pattern 8 Escudos

1836 Thonnelier advertising piece in the name of Bihourd
None of the above pieces is excessively rare or expensive. Nevertheless, their true nature has never been studied. Thanks to previously unpublished documentation, we are now able to do so. This article is proof that historically interesting and important discoveries need not come from only rare pieces. Comments are welcomed, as always.

The feedback asking for the article's translation to Spanish was meager, so the article will be published only in English. 

Here is a link to the article:


  1. Carlos:

    Muy buen trabajo. Felicitaciones.

  2. Excelente investigación!
    Muchas gracias por compartirla.


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